Mold In Air Duct Health Problems

Southern Belt Construction offers basement finishing Houston and saves you from mold that causes health problems. For more information, call (713) 930-0003.

How do you get rid of this noxious substance from your HVAC system? What are the most prevalent types of mold to be wary of, and how can you prevent mold growth in your ducts? Additionally, see: Why is a foul odor emanating from one of the house’s vents?

Mold Symptoms in Your Air Ducts

How can you tell if your HVAC system has mold? Fortunately, some of the warning indicators are rather obvious and due to this, you have to face severe health problems. But you should appoint an expert for basement renovation in Houston to protect your air ducts from getting mold.

Mold That Is Visible

Of course, the most obvious indicator is actual mold. If you notice fuzzy white fibers (similar to cotton balls) or a suspicious stain, it appears as though you are dealing with mold.


Moisture is what promotes mold development in the first place, but did you know that if your air conditioner contains this chemical, it will add moisture to the air inside your home? To begin, this type of indoor wetness is highly unpleasant. Second, and perhaps most significantly, such conditions foster the growth of mold and other germs.


A musty odor is one of the most evident indications of mold growth in your HVAC system. According to some, the odor reminds them of filthy socks or feet. In any event, an offensive stench is a sure sign that something is wrong with your unit.

Black Particles

You may observe odd black dust surrounding the vents. This indicates that black mold is forming inside. The primary distinction between black dust and ordinary dust is that black dust is particularly difficult to remove.

Irritated Eyes

The most perilous aspect of mold is that it can have a detrimental effect on the health of everyone who lives in the residence. If members of your family or acquaintances begin to experience various health concerns, it’s possible that difficulties with your HVAC system are to blame. Keep an eye out for allergy-like symptoms. Itchy eyes may be a sign of mold growth in your air vents.

Itchy Throat/Breathing Difficulties

Following up on the physical symptoms, mold in the unit might cause an itchy throat. Members of the household may also have respiratory difficulties.


Do you notice a difference when your air conditioner is turned on? You may experience nausea, headaches, unexplained exhaustion, and even dizziness. All of these symptoms suggest that there is already a significant amount of mold developing in the system, and you must attempt to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. Additionally, physical symptoms may include a runny nose, itchy skin, headaches, coughing, sneezing, neurological problems, and chest discomfort. The National Academy of Science estimates that between 15% and 50% of those who are genetically predisposed to allergies are allergic to mold. They will very certainly develop the symptoms stated previously. Additionally, see: How to avoid mold growth in window air conditioners.

Mold Types That Are Most Frequently Found In Air Ducts

The more information you have on your adversary, the easier it is to eliminate the adversary, correct? What is mold in air duct health problems?


This kind appears to have a velvety structure. It is often green or brown in color and is fairly common.


This sort of mold is known to travel outside of the ducts and begin growing on your walls and other condensation-prone surfaces.


This mold takes at least a few months to form. It is white in hue and appears powdered.


Mucor is extremely hazardous and has a high potential for spreading throughout the entire HVAC system. It is frequently found in patches and is grey or white in hue.


It’s fairly difficult to recognize this type because it comes in a variety of shapes and hues. However, it is frequently yellow, white, or brown in color.


A widespread type of mold that begins as clear but eventually turns white and yellow. Trichoderma then darkens and begins to produce spores.


Stachybotrys, or black mold, is possibly the worst of them all. This type, in general, prefers wet drywall to metal air ducts. In any event, it is a very dangerous toxin that spreads rapidly and is typically found deep within the body.

How To Eliminate Mold From Air Ducts

If you detect any of the symptoms listed above, you should take urgent action. Otherwise, the mold will have more time to colonize the HVAC system and wreak havoc on the health of everyone who lives there. The most efficient solution is to contact a professional team. Ideally, the professionals will be able to deal with not only the mold itself but also the source of its growth.

However, there are a few do-it-yourself options that you might wish to consider. Bear in mind that scrubbing mold with common household cleaners will not eliminate it. There will be just enough remaining to allow it to regrow. Additionally, keep in mind that attempting to clean the HVAC system on your own can result in unit damage.

Mold Removal: A Step-by-Step Guide

  • Choose your adversary. It can be a professional mold removal solution (look for an EPA-approved brand), a solution of 1 part bleach to 16 parts water (which works on a variety of non-porous materials), or a solution of a tablespoon of household detergent, 1/2 teaspoon baking soda, and a cup of water.
  • Take precautions against both mold and your chemical of choice. Protect your eyes and hands with safety goggles, thick gloves, and a mask.
  • Disconnect the vents.
  • If you can reach the damaged region, begin scrubbing it with a brush or a moist rag.
  • When disposing of used rags, utilize airtight waste bags.
  • Inhibit mold growth by using inhibitors. Regrettably, without this chemical, the mold will very certainly return.
  • You may attempt to remove the chemical on your own if you are certain that only a tiny region has been impacted. If your bathroom smells musty, you can address the problem by addressing merely the vent that aerates this space.

Bear in mind that even if you successfully remove the intruder from the visible area, it may be present in the actual HVAC system as mold or spores.

How To Keep Mold Out Of Your Air Ducts

Mold is tenacious. And it occasionally returns. Considering the health dangers and the damage that mold may cause to your home and HVAC system, you should do all possible to not only eliminate the obnoxious stuff but also to prevent it from occurring in the first place (or coming back). Maintain proper humidity levels. You should strive to maintain a humidity level of between 30% and 50% at all times. Mold needs moisture to grow. Indeed, once a localized area has been impacted by moisture, it can grow in as little as two days (including water leaks).

What Absorbs Moisture In a Room?

  • Repair any leaky windows, pipes, or roofs quickly.
  • Ascertain that your home has adequate ventilation. Particular attention should be paid to the bathroom, laundry area, and kitchen. Utilize exhaust fans that vent outside the residence.
  • Avoid using carpets in locations prone to high levels of dampness (like bathrooms, and basements).
  • When it comes to the HVAC system itself, you should regularly replace the filters, insulate the air ducts to prevent condensation, clean the drip pans, and do your best to keep the entire system dry.
  • You may want to consider having your ducts professionally cleaned on a regular basis, particularly if you live in a humid climate.
  • Ionization air purifiers and ultraviolet light may be able to eliminate mold and other noxious organisms, so installing one or both of these devices may be a smart idea.

About Tamash

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